Friday, December 7, 2007

Catch up

When my son was about age 3, we were getting ready to move because my spouse had gone back into the military. He had the car so Eddie and I would walk to the store when we needed something. It was about a mile one way. Looking back, that's a long walk for a 3yo. I would walk and he would fall behind. I'd stop to let him catch up and would say "Come on. Ketch up or be mustard." He would tell me he was not mustard and then 'ketch up' to me. Sounds dumb now but at the time it was funny.

Been awhile since I posted and lots has happened. In September finances were getting tighter and tighter. Ed was drinking heavier and heavier - which, of course, is why the finances were getting tighter. He had a retirement program thru his work and it seemed to me that the literature said he could hit it once he was retired and age 55. Well, he was over 55, so I called them. No, I was told, it's age 62. Finances got worse. I was sure it was age 55 so I called again. Nope, age 62. I told them to send me the paperwork anyway. Paperwork arrived - from 2 slightly different funds.

Depending on when one started, one belonged to either NEAP or NEBF. NEAP was age 55 and NEAP was age 62. Ah ha! Ed was a member of NEAP. I put in the paperwork to get money out of the account. I figured out how much I needed to pay everything off. Truly it wasn't that much but it was killing me. I had to send in some additional paperwork - yes I knew my maiden name on the marriage certificate didn't match my current social security card. I mean, think about it. Sent in the new paperwork. At the first of November I called them to see what the status was. Hmmm, the lady on the phone says. Yes, your bulk check was just sent out and the monthly checks will start this month also. Woo HOO! At my desk at work, I cried over the good news.

The bulk check arrived (and I had figured the tax deduction down to the penny) but my credit union wanted to hold it 10 days. That's OK with me. Come the 10th day I paid off all the bills except the mortgage. What a relief. The budget is still very tight but all ends meet and I actually have money for groceries. Such a weight off of my shoulders.

I had some money left over after the bills were paid so I spend money on groceries to replace what I'd used in the last 7 months from my food storage. Even added a couple new items. Spent some money on small gifts for the grandkids for Christmas. Didn't think I was going to be able to do that so that's wonderful. Still had some money to put into savings. I planned on this money to pay to have the gravel driveway graded. It really needed it.

Ed was getting worse. He was turning yellow and getting weaker every day. The kicker was the day he fell in the bathroom and couldn't get up. He was telling me to pick him up. Now, he'd lost a lot of weight but I couldn't pick him up. I informed him he was going to the doctor and if need be I would have people there to physically put him into the car. I spoke with my son and father to have them ready. Doctor was on vacation. Made the appointment anyway and on November 21 we went. I didn't need the helpers after all.

Doctor was amazed at how bad Ed looked. He'd lost 30 pounds on a frame that didn't need to lose any weight. He was very yellow, shaking like a leaf and weak, weak. Heart rate was racing and erratic. Blood tests are done and we went home. 5:30pm that night the phone rings - it's the doctor. Ed's potassium is very low, low to the point where it was dangerous. Could I get him to the ER? Yes, and did. Two and a half hours after we get there Ed gets seen. Doctor was supposed to have called ahead and prepared them for him. They kept saying he'd never called. The ER drew more blood and had it retested. Oh my! Low potassium, he needs some now in a drip. Six hours after we arrived they tell me to go home as Ed will be admitted overnight to make sure the potassium takes hold.

Ed left the hospital 6 nights later. He had potassium drips 24 hrs a day every day he was in. Had to have magnesium given. Then his blood pressure plummeted and he ended up having to have a blood transfusion. Only 2 units though. He's now back home and doing OK. He is not drinking so far. He had a followup apt with doctor a couple of days ago (doctor did call the ER, I asked). More blood tests. Results came back good. The liver is healing (amazing thing, the human body) but now his sodium is low. Don't drink so much fluid. Ed is not drinking any alcohol but he is drinking juice and gatorade like he used to drink alcohol. Oh well, let him drink the juice and we'll get some sodium into him some other way.

I had a doctor's apt the same day Ed had his follow up. I wanted some help in coping with things and wanted to talk about getting anti-depressants. I get there and they are going over my file, like they do. Hmm, the nurse says, when was your last pap. Oops, I'm almost a year overdue. I had cervical cancer about 5 years ago and even though I've been clean every year since I had 2 procedures to remove it, they freak out. The doctor tells me to come back so we we can talk about the anti-depressants with more time and gives me a pap. Pap was just fine but I haven't make a new apt yet. Not sure I will.

Wednesday, Dec 5, Ed calls me at work. We have no water. We have our own well so this is a major problem. Pump company comes out on Thursday checking things and says looks like we need a new pump. The pump is barely 9 years old and usually they last for 15 years. Gotta have water - how much for a new pump? The figure is just dollars under what I have in savings. Sigh. So much for the grading of the driveway. They pull the old pump and install the new one. Yeah! we have water! Filthy dirty water. Couldn't be used. Good thing I have plenty of drinking water on hand as we've been using that with the water out. This morning the water had settled and was clean and clear. That shower felt great and I got to get the dishes washed. Laundry tonight.

I had to stop my 401k deductions at work to help pay bills during the financial crunch and I'd just filled out the paperwork to start it up again in January. I called HR and told them to trash the paperwork. That money needs to go into savings for awhile until we have some cushion again. I'll change it back to a 401k contribution as soon as I can. At least I have the money to go back into savings now. I guess it all works out somehow.

And now it's Friday, almost time to go home for the weekend. Grandkids are coming over this weekend. The 3yo and 8mo for sure, the 9yo isn't sure yet. I plan on making sugar cookies so they can decorate them and take some home. Should be fun. If that 8mo will just go to sleep. She's pretty much a spoiled princess and she screams a lot. A lot. Really a lot. Could be a long weekend.