Friday, April 4, 2008

Catching up

Boy, don't post for awhile and Google will deactivate your account. Took me a bit to get back here. I don't want this to become a diary but I don't have much to post about. There are soooo many good blogs out there that talk about Peak Oil, food storage, homesteading, being frugal that my blog just can't compete. I can only talk about how my family is coping with all the new stresses and changes.

I've been sending lots of articles to family and friends lately on the shortages: wheat, corn, and rice. I have all three stored and have been stocking up even more on wheat and rice. Thanks to a kind local LDS member (met on my food storage group) I have been able to purchase 300lbs of wheat at very good prices. I also purchased 50lbs of rice but realized that they weren't any cheaper, maybe more, that what Costco sells. They came in nice boxes though (25lb each) so store easily. (I usually store everything in my food grade buckets but I've lost my source for free buckets and I'm almost out. This is worrisome too. I'm looking as I really hate to have to buy buckets.) I've also added 50lb of beans to the storage.

Used to, I had food storage enough for 5 adults for 2+ years. The family has grown with my son's addition of spouse, kids and in-laws. Now I have enough for 8 adults and 3 kids for almost a year. I have a Costco trip planned for later today and have plans to add rice, beans and oil to storage plus other stuff for the pantry. I need more canned stock too and that's planned for today as well. I recently purchased a cookbook that is just for cooking out of one's food storage and it uses a lot of canned stock that I don't have.

I worry about my friends though. I send the articles - and I think they are scary things - but I don't hear what, if anything, they think about them. I hate to directly ask what they might be doing for food storage/prepping. Seems intrusive to me. I send the info and it's up to them as to what they do with the info. Wish they would just volunteer some info one day.

My hubby was asked to fill in a job specific application yesterday. He went and got the forms and filled them in last night, returning them this morning. Pay is OK and he would be good at the job and I think he could do the job easily enough. Fingers are crossed hoping they call him in for an interview. No word back but one call on all the resumes I've sent out. Not surprising but disappointing nonetheless. One of us had better get a new job pretty soon. While we're good on food storage, we are NOT good on money storage, lol. More to come on food purchasing, job hunting, job loss and just living in these economic times.