Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Stress is a killer

I was talking with one of my co-workers this morning. He's been having problems with stress and his heart. He's OK but stress is not good for him. He asked how I was doing and I said great. I'm glad I never went back to the doctor for the anti-depressants. With hubby getting better every day, still sober and a good attitude, my stress level is way down. I still stress a bit over finances, and I think I should actually. Ends meet, I get a little in savings each month, but I need to remember not to spend, spend.

I think being in too much debt, and some will say any debt is too much debt, is probably one of the top reasons our economy is in the trashcan. It's too easy to get there and so hard to get back. Before my economic crash I would have told you I had little debt, and compared to many I was right. I had a car loan that would have been paid off in another 2 years, a small personal loan (bought a goat) that had another year of payments and a credit card with a balance under $3000. With hubby's income those payments were met with ease, I was able to add to my food storage each month (plus other long term items), had a 401k deduction, paid a little each month into an IRA, a little extra on the house and usually got some money into savings.

Right now any extra money is going into savings. I have 2 savings accounts: one at the good ole bank and one in my 'personal' safe account. A large bank account won't help you if you need cash right now and it's late, on a weekend or during an emergency. Everyone should have a stash of cash where they can easily access it when needed. I also keep a small cash stash in my car for emergencies. Last month I had to use $40 of it for gas when my planned gas money ran out.

I've been in a bit of a dither about retirement savings, like the 401k and IRA. If the US has an economic crash would I have access to that money? Both accounts are invested in stocks, bonds and such, so would it all be lost? Would I be better off paying extra on the house and saving, saving, saving? No one can answer those questions although lots of people try. As I mentioned, my current plan is to just save and put some extra towards the mortgage. Some people say 2008 will be the start of the Long Emergency. I plan on seeing how this year goes and make changes as needed.

With the prices of food these days I'm not able to add much to my FS but some. This month I added 25lbs of wheat berries, 25lbs of rice and a large bottle of canola oil. Next month I plan on a 25lb bag of beans for sure and probably more oil. Oil stores nicely at very cool temps and I don't have much on hand. Not exciting food but I have spices and other things to make some good eatings out of what I bought. My grain mill has both electric and manual abilities. I suppose I should try out the manual version when I make bread this coming weekend. Maybe.

Catalogs are coming in. Couple of seed catalogs which are fun, but even more fun, is the catalog from Murray McMurray. Chickens, ducks, geese - all kinds of feathered critters. You have to order a minimum of 25 chickens for the day old chicks to survive the trip (heat) and I didn't want 25 chicks. My hubby said we should go for it though so now I'm picking out which breeds I want. I always get Austrolorpes and I know I want Orpingtons. Can't remember what all I have picked out without the catalog in front of me. I'm going to order a couple of banties as they are good brooders and I want to hatch out some of the eggs. Hopefully one of my friends that is overrun by her neighbor's chicken will have a rooster for me. If not, I'll order one. I'm also trying to talk my brother, parents and one nephew into having a couple of hens. Hey, can't beat those fresh eggs. Better than anything you can buy in the store. Plus, you don't have to go to the store for them. Gas saved!

I spent hours last Saturday cleaning my barn. It's now full of clean straw and waiting for kids to arrive. I have 3 goats (nubian/boer crosses). Two are due to kid any day and the third is due the 11th on. No one looks like they'll pop any minute though. The longer it takes them to kid the dirtier all that nice fresh straw becomes. These goats have all kidded before and I was told they are easy kidders and good moms. Any boys born will grow up nice and strong and end up in the freezer. I hope to keep at least one girl and sell the rest. Guess I'd best wait to see what pops out first before planning though.

Kids, chicks, planting seeds. Ah, spring will be coming soon.

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