Sunday, June 1, 2008


I normally shop for groceries on a monthly basis. At my last job (still unemployed) we were paid once a month so shopping monthly was easiest. I think I spend less this way too as the less I'm in a store the less I'm tempted to buy. I always shop with a list and I try to stick to it. I admit, however, to always buying off the list at least a little.

My mother and I went grocery shopping last week. I always start off at the local Costco and then go to the local WinCo. Now that I'm on unemployment the list is shorter and I have crossed off usual buys like books. Sticking to the list is much more important now but I still have some money for stocking up. Not anywhere what I had before, but some. Those items are on the list as well and I have a pretty good idea what everything will come to.

Last month I came in under budget so perhaps I was too cocky this time. Over budget by about $80. My spouse's dental work was cheaper than expected so I used that to cover all but $37 of the overage. My unemployment does not allow any overages at all. This is going to have to be a new skill for me to learn.

I can blame part of the overage on higher prices. When you only shop monthly you can really see the price hikes on some items. I can also blame - and this is really the big problem - on shopping off of the list. I bought some fibers tablets for my spouse. Two tablets give you 4 grams of fiber. 220 tablets for $19.99. Only 4 grams of fiber for $20.00?! Won't do that again. I also bought some of the best tasting fruit and nut bars I've ever had (Costco had samples). Better to eat one of them than a candy bar if a sweet craving hits. However, they were $17.99. Again, not a good buy. Hmmm, right there is the $37 dollar overage. It's that easy.

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